import math
import numpy as np
import depthai as dai
class HostSpatialsCalc:
# We need device object to get calibration data
def __init__(self, device):
calibData = device.readCalibration()
# Required information for calculating spatial coordinates on the host
self.monoHFOV = np.deg2rad(calibData.getFov(dai.CameraBoardSocket.LEFT))
# Values
self.DELTA = 5
self.THRESH_LOW = 200 # 20cm
self.THRESH_HIGH = 30000 # 30m
def setLowerThreshold(self, threshold_low):
self.THRESH_LOW = threshold_low
def setUpperThreshold(self, threshold_low):
self.THRESH_HIGH = threshold_low
def setDeltaRoi(self, delta):
self.DELTA = delta
def _check_input(self, roi, frame): # Check if input is ROI or point. If point, convert to ROI
if len(roi) == 4: return roi
if len(roi) != 2: raise ValueError("You have to pass either ROI (4 values) or point (2 values)!")
# Limit the point so ROI won't be outside the frame
self.DELTA = 5 # Take 10x10 depth pixels around point for depth averaging
x = min(max(roi[0], self.DELTA), frame.shape[1] - self.DELTA)
y = min(max(roi[1], self.DELTA), frame.shape[0] - self.DELTA)
return (x-self.DELTA,y-self.DELTA,x+self.DELTA,y+self.DELTA)
def _calc_angle(self, frame, offset):
return math.atan(math.tan(self.monoHFOV / 2.0) * offset / (frame.shape[1] / 2.0))
# roi has to be list of ints
def calc_spatials(self, depthFrame, roi, averaging_method=np.mean):
roi = self._check_input(roi, depthFrame) # If point was passed, convert it to ROI
xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = roi
# Calculate the average depth in the ROI.
depthROI = depthFrame[ymin:ymax, xmin:xmax]
inRange = (self.THRESH_LOW <= depthROI) & (depthROI <= self.THRESH_HIGH)
averageDepth = averaging_method(depthROI[inRange])
centroid = { # Get centroid of the ROI
'x': int((xmax + xmin) / 2),
'y': int((ymax + ymin) / 2)
midW = int(depthFrame.shape[1] / 2) # middle of the depth img width
midH = int(depthFrame.shape[0] / 2) # middle of the depth img height
bb_x_pos = centroid['x'] - midW
bb_y_pos = centroid['y'] - midH
angle_x = self._calc_angle(depthFrame, bb_x_pos)
angle_y = self._calc_angle(depthFrame, bb_y_pos)
spatials = {
'z': averageDepth,
'x': averageDepth * math.tan(angle_x),
'y': -averageDepth * math.tan(angle_y)
return spatials, centroid